Tuesday, January 11, 2011

It's a Dog's Life!

One of the interesting things that we have noticed about meeting people here is that they don't ask if you have children...they want to know about your dogs.  Our kind of place, right?  And there are lots of dogs here.  Vada and Gus are among the biggest, though.  Apparently, as people downsize their homes after retiring, they do so with their pets as well. 

Gus and Larry coming back from "chuck-it".  
 Vada has been managing the steps in and out of the bus pretty well...she needs an assist once in a while.  But, we brought her ramp and it remains in the basement.  She also has been doing a one mile hike everyday to try to lose the 7 pounds ordered by Dr. Suzanne.

Gus and Larry play chuck-it twice a day in the field and then the dogs have a nice nap in the afternoon the comfy rug that Mom picked out for it's color...all the shades of German Shepherd dog hair!  The camaflouge works so well that it's hard to tell how fast the hair builds up...but, a daily vacuuming wouldn't be too much.

Napping on the camaflouge rug

At night, Gus is supposed to sleep in his den under Larry's desk...His beautiful doggie quilt, made by Aunt Deenie, is there to make him feel at home.  Vada sleeps at the foot of the bed on her "fluffy bed."  But, last night during a heavy rain and thunderstorm, they were curled up together on Vada's bed.  Who knew that they would both fit and that Vada would allow it.  I guess they are finally friends!

Today, I have to venture out to find everyone's special food.  There is a vet's office down the road for Vada food and a place called the "Shampoo Lab" that carries Gus's food.  It took us four tries to find a grocery store for our food, so hopefully, this expedition will be more productive.  It's no inconvenience though; just part of the adventure that makes having a Gus Bus so much better than putting our buddies in the kennel!!

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