Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Whale Watching at Bella Terra

Big Newell rig towing...
 I hate to sound like a snob, but it has been wonderful staying at an all-Class A resort. Watching these big beauties maneuver around the roads of Bella Terra is like whale-watching...everyone stops to look and you hear "wow, look at that!" as the huge, beautifully-painted body passes.   We are in Tiffin heaven and have not seen this many of our favorite brand since we were in Red Bay watching the Gus Bus being born. And we were happy to give rave reviews about ours when asked...a lady traded in her old rig for a new Allegro after talking to us. A favorite pastime is an evening stroll to see what new rigs have arrived.  Whale watching is a favorite topic of discussion at Club House cocktail hours.  Everyone has stories about motorhomes past and present.  And we have gotten a lot of valuable advice at parties!

While some of the older coaches don't have the flashy paint jobs, they have well-planned and cozy-looking interiors.  Many people are like us...we can't imagine ever trading in our coach; it fits our lifestyle perfectly.  But, there seems to be a bug that bites after a few years and the itch to trade for something newer and better seems to be almost inevitable.
At BT, we have had the privilege of seeing some of the most beautiful high-end, custom-built coaches on the road.  During our stay, we were parked next to a gorgeous Foretravel from Maryland.  And a local FMCA rally brought in more million-dollar-plus Prevost's than we will probably ever see again.   Being immersed in this Class A environment has been a delight and an education.

...a Porsche with  red "trike"  above on lift!
 But, the star of the season was not a coach, but what it was towing.  For my brother Jim, this is how a Class A becomes a "toy hauler".  One morning we noticed a huge trailer in the storage area...what was it?  It was so tall that we couldn't imagine what had towed it...it was Mardi Gras...maybe a float was in it!  But, being the curious small community that is Bella Terra, we quickly learned that it had come in with a big Newell and was transporting a Porsche and two "trike" motorcycles.   The unusual height accommodated a lift that raised the trikes over the car for transport.  Now we have seen it all!  I happened to catch a few shots of the trailer being loaded near our site...they left just before us...making it an extraordinary whale watching event!  KB

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