Monday, February 28, 2011

Pecans....any way you say it!

Pecan orchard
 While driving west on Route 98 towards the lovely town of Magnolia Springs to find yet another fabulous restaurant, we passed a farm where horses were grazing under the canopy of huge trees.  Nothing unusual except that the trees were planted in looked weird!  It didn't take us long to figure out that they were a "crop" of some sort.  A billboard for "pralines" gave us the clue that this was one of many pecan groves in this area.  The trees are huge, so how do they harvest the nuts?  Does someone climb them?  Of course the answer was on the internet  and it's fascinating...nothing you would see in New Jersey.  Now that we know what a  pecan grove looks like, we see them everywhere, even in residential  backyards. We'll have to come back in the Fall to see the actual harvest, but in the meantime, here's a video of how they do it.  Oh, by the way, found out that you call them "orchards" not "groves"! KB

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